Smart Prison Cells

People Counting
Counting people might sound like a simple task.
This task gets increasingly complicated when its requirements include counting prisoners in their cells.
The prisoners might be in their beds, covered with blankets, or in restrooms, where their privacy should be respected.
aiseeit uses various technologies to accurately count in the most innovative way, tracking the prisoners wherever they are in their cells, even if they’re covered with a blanket in their bed, in the restroom or taking a shower.
aiseeit uses thermal sensors (cameras), high-frequency radars, acoustic sensors and weight sensors.
A prison may have hundreds of prison cells.
Each cell may have different characteristics, such as the number and location of beds, restroom locations, ceiling height, personal storage cabinets, hidden areas like supporting walls, etc.
Sensors such as thermal, optical, acoustic or weight, used as a stand-alone or as a part of a system, need to be configured at the system’s initial setup.
Changes that may occur from time to time, like relocation of beds or cabinets, require costly re-configurations. These scenarios could affect functionality, accuracy, reliability and price.
Each area may require additional logic and features for a reliable and accurate count.
In contrast, aiseeit has an innovative auto-configuration feature that automatically recognizes objects and areas in a room. Any changes don’t affect reliability or accuracy. Our auto-configuration provides a significant cost reduction on the initial setup and overall maintenance.

Resources Management
A prison cell can be similar to an apartment that hosts a prisoner or a few prisoners while providing electricity, cold/warm water and light.
In some prisons, the prisoners are free to manage their routine inside their cell; for example, they may do their laundry, cook their meals, decide what time to shower and go to sleep as late as they wish.
aiSEEit is a sophisticated water and energy management system that can track resource usage and optimize the prison’s entire water and energy bank according to usage prediction and general ruling definition.
aiSEEit cleverly manages prison resources, limiting the usage of hot water per person, dimming the lights when needed, turning the lights off when they are not required, cutting the power to any power socket and more.
Predicting A Prison Break
Prisoners might find mind-blowing methods to escape prison:
Wall-digging, tunnel-digging, outdoor hiding and more.
The preparations for an escape might take a long time.
An effective automated prison cell control must be able to count the prisoners while in their cells, track the time they spend in the shower or recognize them under their blanket. That is the ideal method of maintaining the daily routine while using technology for a smoother, safer and cheaper prison operation.
Still, the only way to trust such technologies is to use a sophisticated AI that can cleverly track the prisoners’ behavior and recognize any behavior anomalies.
aiseeit is a multi-sensing system that collects information from various devices, detects event and behavior anomalies, and uses that information to indicate possible early stages of an escape plan.